#1 SECRET You Need To Have A Profitable Bridal Business

Uncategorized Mar 22, 2022
I went to beauty school and all I got was makeup and some photos for my portfolio, said every makeup artist!
I hate to break it to you, but if you want to get paid doing what you love, only 20% is your artistry. 80% is your marketing.
Let's face it! The word marketing is NOT SEXY! When I first started out, that word kind of scared me because I honestly had no clue what it really meant, and was afraid if I learned, I would fail.
Almost 15 years, later, I have mastered the art of marketing to run a multiple 6 figure business and teaching and watching my clients have so much success with my marketing formula!!!!
In this weeks podcast, special guest, Suzanne Minskey, with the Bridal Biz Collective, and I break down marketing and what beginners need to know- NOW!
Your marketing is the key to:
  • Stop attracting bargain brides and price shoppers.
  • Stop getting ghosted.
  • Start turning more inquiries to "yes send me the contract!"
Brianna Michelle
Follow "The Millionaire Babe Podcast" to create the life and business of your dreams.

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