Gifting 100 veteran bridal beauty pros this training, where I am going to show you how to stop getting ghosted, turn inquiries into contracts & scale to consistent $10K-$20K months in 90 days!

For veterans bridal hair & makeup artists

looking for their biggest comeback!


I see you! You have been in the industry for years, yet, still aren't making 6 figures, let alone, consistent $10K+ months. 


  • You are tired of responding to inquiries only to get ghosted leaving you thinking it's because of your rates or the market is over saturated.
  • You dream of consistent $10K+ months.
  • Business has been feeling "off" and the income dips are getting too uncomfortable, lately.
  • You aren't afraid of hard work, but are not sure how to get consistent income. You desire to have a successful business and net 6 figures.
  • It seems brides are taking longer to book & you don't know what you are doing wrong.


I want you to know you are not alone, but it's not your rates, and it's not the market being saturated, and I am here to prove it to you.

If it was your rates or the market, then why are there other pros out there priced higher than you making consistent $10K-$20K months their new norm?


Inside this 2-day Masterclass,  I am going to show you the magic formula my clients are using to stop getting ghosted, have their biggest comeback ever scaling to consistent $10K-$20K cash deposits in a matter of weeks- even December- March!


Just like these ladies...⬇️


Here’s what else you’ll learn:

  • What you need to be posting on social media to 3X your inquiries & book high-paying brides. 
  • The #1 key factor in getting your brides to not even question your rates.
  • The 3 things you need to do to establish the like, know and trust factor with your potential bride so you get them to say, "Yes, send me the contract."
  • My exact system to get brides to pay your rates & book quickly – so you are not waiting around for them to book.  
  • What you need to be doing to create sustainable & predictable income in today's economy. 


You are ready to stop leaving thousands of dollars of inquiries on the table because you don't know what you need to be doing to convert them.




IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Brianna Michelle Coaching, aka the Millionaire Babe, cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, coaching, plans, tools or strategies.

You recognize and agree that nobody and no part of the Brianna Michelle Coaching brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future earnings. There are no refunds. All sales are final. 

We may reference our own sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of our previous or existing purchasers. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success, and that the results we reference are not typical or average. We are displaying these results for example purposes only. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors, including your background, business experience, motivation and work ethic.