How I Built Overflow with Money

Uncategorized Aug 12, 2022

I truly believe that in order to become the person we want to be, we have to let go of the person we are right now.

One of the biggest shifts in my income came from my self image and changing my self identity.

Being able to identify who you want to become and the ability to start to embody that person will help you create more money overflow in your life.

It is truly the shift that took me to $50K months which I share in this weeks episode!



Brianna Michelle

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This Is More Important Than Instagram!

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2022

There are a lot of things that get talked about over and over in the wedding business space.

Websites, marketing, branding, advertising, pricing, client systems, workflows…
But what is EVEN MORE IMPORTANT, yet isn’t talked about enough, is mindset.
If you’ve been on my email list for a while, or followed me on Instagram for any amount of time, then you know that I actually love to talk about mindset a lot!
But whether you’re new to my world or you are a life-long friend - let’s pour a glass of bubbly and dive into this a bit further today.
Mindset is literally everything. (No, I’m not being dramatic!)
Your mindset colors every single aspect of your life and business.
In this week's episode, I discuss my "Belief Laws" that are the key to manifesting and attracting more income and abundance in your life!
Without a rock-solid mindset in place, and a deep belief in...
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How To Make A $ Million Dollars!!!

Uncategorized Aug 02, 2022

Your power lies.....

In the magic of your spirit.
In the depths of your pain.
In the truth of your soul.
The tears of your sorrows.
In the purity of your heart.
The joy of your laughter.
In the gifts you were born with.
The imagination of your thoughts.
The loyalty of your character.
The dreams you create!
You were given all this beauty for you to step into your fullest version of YOU!
This is your power that is meant to love you.
It is meant to support you!
Yes, you were given the birthright to claim your desires and it starts with having the millionaire mind!
In this weeks episode, we will talk about how my new brand was born and how YOU can transform your life and achieve a bigger vision and purpose for yourself all my shifting your mindset to... the millionaire mind!
Let's go!


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Burning Out? 3 Steps To Get Rid of It!

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2022
Let's talk burnout.
Back in 2014, I had quit my full time 9-5 job and was experiencing a lot of overwhelm and burnout. Business was HARD!
I believed that in order for me to earn more I needed to work harder. This was a limiting belief that I held onto for so long.
Steps to get rid of overwhelm and burnout in your business:
  1. Recognizing where burnout comes from.
  2. How to heal your relationship with money to get money to love you.
  3. Learn how you can make easy money!
Whether you are making more or making less, how you view money needs to change in order to up-level yourself and your business.
By learning how to manifest money, I was able to have a 50k month and am well on my way of having a 100k month. BONUS....I get to teach this to YOU!
Get rid of the scarcity mindset and heal your relationship with money!
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Why Making Money is NOT HARD?

Uncategorized Jul 19, 2022
Are you always in the hustle trying to make more money and feel overwhelmed and exhausted by it all?
I grew up in a family that worked VERY hard for everything they had, so naturally I thought that was what life would look like for me. I ended up working 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet and was always in the hustle.
Let's debunk the myth that you always need to be in the hustle to make money:
  1. You are allowing your past to dictate your future.
  2. Your thoughts are your results.
  3. You are giving money they power and not ourselves.
Once I started doing the mindset and inner work, my business shifted.
Debunk your current mindset on how you are thinking about money now by joining my FREE 3-DAY MASTERCLASS: Keys to Cash HERE <<<<<< 
Brianna Michelle
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Tips To Avoid Burning Out In This Wedding Boom

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2022
Are you booked out, busy and on the verge of burn out?
I have been there! Believe me, I have BEEN THERE! I was making consistent 10k months and I was still burnt out.
I was afraid if I stopped the burn out, that would mean less income. Guess what? Doing more doesn't equal making more.
This week we are going to talk about tips to avoid the burnout and fall back in love with your business:
  1. Identify where the burnout and exhaustion comes from.
  2. Delegating tasks to your team so you can have more time and freedom.
  3. Taking time off.
You don't have to live in the hustle and burnout to create the income of your dreams.
Setting up a system and creating boundaries in your business will help you to build a life of freedom and joy.
Brianna Michelle
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3.3 MILLION in 1 YEAR - Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Manifesting A Life by Design

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2022
I am so excited to be finally dropping this podcast today!
As you know, from my own spiritual awakening journey and self development path, you cant create more time, money and freedom without doing the "inner work."
So, I was thrilled when Kathleen Cameron said "yes" to being on my podcast on this very topic!
Let me introduce you to Kathleen Cameron, money manifestor, motivational speaker and author!
Studying under Bob Proctor, Kathleen has turned her coaching business into a multi million dollar business in just 2 years. Specifically 3.3 million in 1 years time.
In this weeks episode, Kathleen will talk about all things money mindset, manifesting and how inner work is the key to prosperity. Let's go!
Highlights you won't want to miss:
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What You Need To Know Before You Quit Your 9-5!

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2022
Are you afraid to give up your 9-5 job and the stability that comes with it?
I was TERRIFIED to give up my job to become a bridal boss.
Starting with a BA in broadcast journalism working for Oprah, I quit this dream job to do makeup at a department store. I continued to work at a department store while I built out my bridal business, working long hours and weekends.
I reached a pivotal moment where I knew something needed to change.
Giving myself six months, I made it work! Here's how:
  1. Look for evidence to know you are capable of handling anything.
  2. Focus on your ideal client and your branding for your business.
  3. Have your website built before you quite your 9-5.
  4. Have your Instagram up to par.
  5. Do your inner work!
There are a lot of fears and uncertainties of quitting your 9-5 which are incredibly real.
You have to hit fear head on to get through it.
Using these tips will help you to prepare...
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Getting Unstuck at Your Current $$$ Level!

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2022

Hello Millionaire Babes!

Getting stuck at a certain income can be frustrating when you are at $5K months and even $10K months. In this weeks episode, I dive into the reasons why income plateau's happen and how to get unstuck and move past them!

Let's go!



Brianna Michelle

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Ways To Have Multiple Streams of Income with Special Guest Kayleigh Keen with By Kayleigh Designs

Uncategorized Jun 21, 2022
We have a special guest this week, Kayleigh Keen with By Kayleigh Designs, joining us.
Starting out in law school Kayleigh took the leap to switch career paths and pursue her passion
for becoming a full time makeup artist.
Kayleigh wasn't able to make this switch overnight. She had to do a lot of mindset shifts to be able to take the leap.
Once you can release what isn't serving you anymore, you can get clarity on what will serve you.
Like many makeup artists and creatives, COVID gave Kayleigh extra time to think about other ways to make income.
Kayleigh wanted a community where she could share her tips and tricks and support other like minded people. Hence how By Kayleigh Designs was started.
If you can hone in on your skills and knowledge, you can sell them.
Listen to this weeks episode to find out how you can use your skills to create multiple streams of income.
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